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COVID-19 Safety Procedures


COVID-​19 Compliance and Zero-Contact Procedures

In order to insure the safety of our pati​ents and practitioners, HPS has employed the following procedures at the clinic:

  • All patients and practitioners will have their temperatures checked before entering the office. Patients with a temperature higher than 99.5 will be required to reschedule.
  • Patients must wait in their cars or outside the clinic until staff summons you for your appointment.
  • Masks are required for all patients and practitioners at all times while on the premises.
  • Only one visitor will be allowed to accompany a patient to an appointment.
  • All rooms and devices are sanitized with bleach and/or high intensity UV light following each use.
  • High-touch surfaces like door knobs are sanitized every two hours.

In addition to our safety procedures, HPS is now offering the following zero-contact services (click text to learn more):

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